Tag Archives: 3-D printing

Open access breakthrough for South Africa’s Rising Star discovery

On September 10, 2015 a new species of extinct Homo was published, H. naledi. Our genus has only one living species, H. sapiens (humans), but we know of a few extinct cousins from fossil remains. Such finds are exciting because, among other things, they are the rarest of all fossil finds. Berger et al. 2015. “Homo naledi, a new […]

Togolese hacker makes 3-D printers from electronic waste

From bOING bOING: Afate is a Togolese hacker who uses the WoeLab makerspace in Lome, Togo (the first makerspace in west Africa). He’s invented a 3D printer made out of the ewaste that is piled high in neighborhood-sized ewaste dumps in Agbogbloshie, near Accra, Ghana. He’s raised money on Ulule to standardize the printer, called […]